In support of expanded mandatory reporting
In response to advocacy from a survivor of abuse which took place in a church, MCC's CEO Rev. Dr. Curtiss DeYoung sent a letter to Minnesota Representative Jamie Becker-Finn and Minnesota Senator Karla Bigham in support of HF310, which would expand the number of people who are legally considered "mandatory reporters" to include anyone employed by an organization, the programming of which includes face-to-face contact with youth.
You can track the bill's progress here:
The endorsement letter reads:
Representative Becker-Finn and Senator Bigham,
As the CEO of the Minnesota Council of Churches, whose 27 member judicatories represent over 1,000,000 Minnesota Christians, I endorse your proposed expansion of those in the category of mandatory reporter.
Minnesota churches have long been staffed by mandatory reporters and many of their staff have lived into that call by making the phone calls they understand will better protect youth in their care. If this legislation helps to place more alert eyes on signs of abuse in youth and increases the number of adults invested in a child’s safety then the world will be a better place.
Thank you for proposing House File 310. I support it.
Rev. Dr. Curtiss Paul DeYoung
CEO, Minnesota Council of Churches